14 June 2012

30 Days of Character Development: Day 12

12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email? 

Damian: He grew up in modern times, so he knows his way with technology. He doesn't use it much though, except for studying. He doesn't really write either letters nor e-mail. He prefers to draw by hand though, in his sketchbook.

Josh: He is good with computers, simply because he likes to be on the computer. Both to surf the internet and to write. He prefers e-mail.

Silver: He's a lot like Damian, he knows his way with technology but he doesn't use it much except for his phone. He prefers to send e-mail, but when drawing he likes to do it by hand in his sketchbook.

Kian: He knows what he needs to know, but he doesn't have much of an interest in technology besides that. He's always using his phone and he likes to surf the internet, but that's about it.

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